5G/6G + Satellite

Self-evolving terrestrial/ non-Terrestrial hybrid networks

Self-evolving terrestrial/ non-Terrestrial hybrid networks

ETHER will develop solutions for a Unified Radio Access Network (RAN) (Self-evolving terrestrial/ non-Terrestrial hybrid networks ) and for the energy-efficient, AI-enabled resource management across the terrestrial, aerial and space domains, while creating the business plans driving future investments in the area. 

Type of contract/Program: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-03
Coordinated by: University of Luxembourg
Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2025
Number of partners: 13
Project contract/code: 101096526


ETHER: Energy- and Cost-Efficient Framework for Seamless Connectivity over the Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial 6G Networks

AIAI 2023 – 5G-PINE Workshop, 14-17 June 2023, Leon, Spain

L. Tomaszewski, R. Kołakowski, A. Mesodiakaki, K. Ntontin, A. Antonopoulos, N. Pappas, M. Fiore, M. Mosahebfard, S. Watts, P. Harris, C.-K. Lin, A. Santiago, F. Lazarakis, S. Chatzinotas>

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